Sunday, June 24, 2012

Another reason why HTML5 is entirely irrelevant to flash

Demonstrates flash running on Android and IOS via the Scaleform player, proving that avoiding flash on mobile again is not a technical constraint due to limitations with flash, its a political situation and always has been.  As with all technological evolution, we can always count on it getting more complex, feature rich, and meeting demands placed on it over time.  The HTML 5 "debate" was always based on an imaginary constraint that Apple simply made up, but here we can see it being reduced to dust by reality.

So viva flash, its got a long future ahead of it as a display technology.  Of course, viva HTML 5 too, its also got a long future ahead of it as a different kind of display tech for those who dont like using flash for whatever reason.  Its not a contest, I certainly never felt it should have been necessary to denigrate html technology in order to defend flash.